Our little minky has graduated to the stroller seat (from the bassinet). All that much better for her to have a look around -she loves it. Bit sleepy here. Just after her nap.
I wish my eyelashes were this long. She definitely has daddy's lashes.
Monday, July 12, 2010
I think Ines' favourite place is over Nick's shoulder. She loves to take in everything around her and this is a pretty comfy place to do it. She looks so tiny in his arms.
So a week after Nanny Annie left, Angela (a.k.a Granny) came to stay. Bath time seems to be a hit with our mums. And Ines ADORES it. Can't wait to take her to the beach. Of course, i'll be dressed for winter sitting under a tree and Nick will be the one to take her into the ocean. Still, can't wait. Bring on November.
Friday, July 2, 2010
Looking a bit sporty here. Tribute to the World Cup.