Tuesday, June 1, 2010

A Family Shot

Who says I'm never in photos. Mum had to take about 300 photos to get this one. Nice shot of Ines' head.


  1. oh that is beautiful! you all look so gorgeous - what a lovely family! i want this photo please well done on getting a photo taken mrs vukosa - you have achieved quite a feat there. beautiful flowers wendy - absolutely stunning

  2. ahhhhh, you look booootiful x

  3. i see why you've been so reluctant to have your pic taken, Nat -- NOT!! you look as gorgeous as ever. I, too, will print this pic and frame it. Onya, Nans!!

    ps) Nat and everyone else, the way I look at it, we're probably not ever going to look better than now (ie we're just getting older!!) so we might as well have our pix taken now so we can look back and marvel at our youth! xx

  4. Oh finally... what a gorgeous shot... so lovely nat... You looking fabulous all of you... even Ines' head! Flowers in the background add a lovely touch. Super nice. Can u send me a copy so we can have on our photo wall... pls. Showed mum and dad pictures and they think she is just beautiful. Hope all is well there. xx
