Monday, June 14, 2010


Lucky us, Ines is a champion sleeper. Aren't the arms too delicious. Unfortunately the hair is starting to thin out. Camera makes it look worse than it is. Looks a bit like an old man's head.


  1. NO DUM-DUM IN COT!!!!!! V. negative sleep-association!! I thought this was understood!!

  2. if she is happy and sleeping leave her be! x

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. sorry, i can see that. didn't meant to SHOUT at you in my earlier posing; had about 30 seconds to write something before school pick-up and just wrote quickly. i've had so many friends who let their babies fall asleep with dum-dums and three years later, they're still struggling to break the habit. i forgot to mention how gorgeous ines looks xxx
